Research Project SURVEY Title: “So, What’s the Big Deal About Self Care?"
Sarah Elizabeth Daniel, First Year School Psychology Graduate Student at Appalachian State University, Boone, NC
- Dr. Jim Deni, School Psychology Appalachian State University
- Dr. Stephanie Corcoran, School Psychology The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Purpose and detail of survey’s used:
- The purpose of our current research is to examine findings on self care in practitioners, specifically through this time of COVID-19 uncertainty. We’re looking specifically at different methods individuals use for self care, if the individual is depressed or suicidal during this time, or if the person is having any difficulties navigating the new normal with staying at home. Additionally, participants are asked to rate on a scale multiple questions, asking about job satisfaction within the realm of self care. We’ve adapted questions from the “Self Care Assessment for Psychologists (SCAP), which is a 21 question survey, with ratings from 1 (never) to 7 (almost always). The assessment contains questions related to professional support, professional development, life balance, cognitive strategies, and daily balance. (Dorociak et al., 2017) An adaptation of the Zahinser, 2017 article on Self Care in Clinical Psychology Graduate Training was also included as well. Overall, we’re curious in knowing how much self care actually occurs in the workplace setting.
- Do many people utilize self care?
- Are people utilizing these activities more often during the period of uncertainty?
- In the workplace culture, are self care strategies utilized?
Questionnaire Used: Self Care Assessment for Psychologists (SCAP) Information and citation included in attached document.
IRB Approval: Questions regarding the purpose or procedures of the research should be directed to Jim Deni at This study has been exempted from Institutional Review Board (IRB) review in accordance with Federal regulations. The IRB, a university committee established by Federal law, is responsible for protecting the rights and welfare of research participants.